Monday, January 18, 2016

Loot Calculation

     Have you ever been staring at a base that has full storages and collectors and wondered why the available loot is still so low?  There is a reason for that.  At times, it can seem like the game chooses random amounts for villages you see, but this is not the case.  With a little extra knowledge at your disposal, you will know exactly what to look for in a good raid.

Overall Loot Calculation

     The overall amount of loot available to you for a particular raid is determined by a few factors.  The factor with the biggest effect on loot is the level of your Town Hall.  When calculating the overall loot, the base amount will change depending on the number of levels between your TH and your opponent's TH.  Here is how it breaks down:

If your opponent's TH level is:

Equal to yours or higher than you - 100% base loot available
1 level lower than you --------------- 90% base loot available
2 levels lower than you -------------- 50% base loot available    
3 levels lower than you -------------- 25% base loot available
4+ levels lower than you ------------ 5% base loot available

* As you can probably tell, any TH that is more than 1 level below yours, there will be a significant drop in available loot.  The loot available drops from 90% to 50%, so unless it is an extreme circumstance, it is probably best to stick to raiding players that are no more than 1 TH level below you.  This has both offensive and defensive consequences, for instance, if you are a TH-7 your available loot will only be appealing to players at TH-8 or lower.  If however, you rush your base and upgrade to TH-8 long before you are truly ready, you will suddenly be suffering 3-star defeats from TH-9's regularly.  This is why it is so important (especially at later TH levels) not to rush your base.

Percent of Base Loot Available by Town Hall Level

     As most of you know (okay pretty much everyone knows this), not all of the loot you have collected is available to be stolen by attackers.  If that was the case, we would all rage quit from losing all our loot in no time!  The game only allows a small portion of your total resource savings to be stolen in any attack.  This portion decreases as your TH level increases because you are able to hold so much more loot at higher levels (especially dark elixir).  The percentage of your total loot that is available to attackers forms the base loot I spoke of above, and that base amount is calculated as follows:

TH-1-5 = 20% of your total loot
TH-6    = 18% of your total loot
TH-7    = 16% of your total loot
TH-8    = 14% of your total loot
TH-9    = 12% of your total loot
TH-10  = 10% of your total loot

* To make sure you understand what this means, here is an example.  If you are TH-7 and on your home base screen it says you have 1,000,000 gold, an attacker will see an available loot of 160,000 gold (which is 16% of 1,000,000).  If you were a TH-8 and had 1,000,000 gold, an attacker would be able to steal 140,000 of it (which is 14% of 1,000,000).

    There is also a cap placed on how much loot can be available for each TH level.  This means that once you reach and exceed a certain amount of loot, the loot available to an attacker will stop increasing.  This keeps people from losing too much loot from attacks. Unlike the base loot, the loot cap increases as your TH level increases.  Here is the loot cap for each TH level:

TH-1-5 = 200,000 gold/elixir
TH-6    = 200,000 gold/elixir
TH-7    = 250,000 gold/elixir
TH-8    = 300,000 gold/elixir
TH-9    = 350,000 gold/elixir
TH-10  = 400,000 gold/elixir

* The amount of loot you need to have to reach the cap is important because after you pass this point you will know that your cap has kicked in and you won't lose any extra loot for continuing to build up your resources. Here is the amount of loot you will need to reach to hit the cap, once you hit this point you can keep on farming and never risk losing more loot:

TH-1-5 = 1,000,000 gold/elixir
TH-6    = 1,111,111 gold/elixir
TH-7    = 1,562,500 gold/elixir
TH-8    = 2,142,857 gold/elixir
TH-9    = 2,916,667 gold/elixir
TH-10  = 4,000,000 gold/elixir

Mines and Elixir Collectors    

     Collecting your loot from the mines and elixir collectors is important because uncollected loot is like a freebie for possible raiders.  They can spam goblins or archers at all the resource collectors and grab a large amount of your loot using hardly any troops, then quit the fight which leaves you without a shield and open to another attack.  It also makes you much more likely to be attacked by someone looking to do a full on raid because uncollected mines and elixir collectors greatly increase the amount of loot available to your attacker.  This is because loot in the storages contributes differently to total loot than loot in the collectors (a much higher percentage of the collector loot is available to be stolen).  The percent of your collector's loot that can be stolen is a whopping 50%, regardless of TH level, as opposed to between 20%-10% in the storages (depending on your TH level).

Dark Elixir Loot Calculation

     Dark elixir is calculated completely differently from gold and normal elixir. It is calculated in the same manner (storage % is lower and decreases as your TH level increases), but the percentages are completely different. For dark elixir, the difference between what is able to be stolen from storages and the collectors is much greater. 75% of the dark elixir in your drills can be stolen, regardless of TH level. Here is the breakdown for the dark elixir storage based on TH level:

TH-7-8 = 6% of loot available
TH-9    = 5% of loot available
TH-10  = 4% of loot available

* The dark elixir also has a cap on how much can be stolen from the storages.  Just like the other resources, the amount increases along with your TH level. Here is the cap for dark elixir and the amount you have to get to hit each cap.

TH-7-8 = 2,000 and is reached when you have 33,333 or more storage DE
TH-9    = 2,500 and is reached when you have 50,000 or more storage DE
TH-10  = 3,000 and is reached when you have 75,000 or more storage DE

* The big thing to remember here is that only 4-6% of the DE in your storage can be looted while 75% of what is in your drill can be looted. So it is super important to collect from your drills often, otherwise your base will quickly become targeted by multiple consecutive attacks by people looking to loot your drills and quit the battle leaving you shield-less.
     That does it for now on loot calculation, hopefully you are now armed with the knowledge you need to make smart choices in how you choose opponents and how you collect and protect your resources. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

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